Mon. 9 am - 5 pm
Tue. Noon - 7 pm
Wed. 9 am - 5 pm
Thurs. Noon - 7 pm
Fri. 9 am - 5 pm
Sat. *9 am - Noon
*Open June - Aug
Sat. Closed Sept. - May
Sun. Closed
1000, 2K, 3K 4K Books Before Kindergarten
1,000 Books Before the end of Kindergarten
“1000 Books Before the End of Kindergarten” is open to all families with children from birth through the finish of the kindergarten school year.
An “Old MacDonald’s Farm” binder is available to anyone wishing to be involved in the program. Designed to encourage reading to young children at home by parents, grandparents, siblings, etc., books checked out at the Colby Community Library are recorded when read to the child.
When 100 books are read, parents and children bring the binder back to the library for a farm animal sticker, a small prize/treat, and to pick up another set of pages to record the next 100 books with a certificate of achievement and a book prize awarded when 1000 is reached.
Stop in at the Colby Community Library to register for the program,
pick up a reading binder, and begin a family reading adventure. It is easy and fun!
2,000 Books Before the end of Kindergarten
If you have finished our “1000 Books” program, we have a “2000 Books Before the End of Kindergarten” program for you!
Based on an “Animals of the Woods” theme, you may pick up a recording binder and record books checked out at the Colby Community Library.
Prizes and stickers are awarded at each 100 book level, with a special prize upon completion of the program.
3,000 & 4,000 Books Before the end of Kindergarten
For those speedy readers who have finished our 1000 and 2000 Books programs, we are happy to announce new 3000 & 4000 Books Before the End of Kindergarten!
Theses programs have “Under the Sea” & “In the Jungle” themes and run the same way as the first two programs with a binder to record books checked out and read from the Colby Community Library.
Prizes are still awarded at each 100 book level with a special prize at the end!
Stop in at the Colby Community Library to register for the program, pick up a reading binder, and begin a family reading adventure.
We encourage parents with young children to visit the library for more details, or you may call the library at 715-223-2000 if you have questions.